
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

معك...كل شيء ممكن


لهفتنا كانت كأننا إبتعدنا سنة عن بعضنا. و نسجامنا كان كأننا لم نبتعد قط. اشتياق لتذكر تفاصيل ذكرياتنا لنضحك معا. عتاب على كل ألم لنبكي معا. أنت كما أنت، كل شيء يثير ضحكك. أمازحك فتضحك، أسخر منك فتقهقه و تجيب بسخرية أشد. أسعيد أنت أم تختلق السعادة؟ ها قد عدت لركودك. لا تهتم لحديثي و لا تضحك لنكتي. ربما تبدد الاشتياق.. ربما 
عدت تلك الغريبة مجدد
أنا لم أعد كما أنا؛ فقط بابتسامتك افرح و إن تهكمت بسداجة اضحك. و ان عتابتني أغضب و قد أبكي لكنك لا ترى دموعي.. أنفجر لكنك لا تسمع صراخي. فقط لأنني صرت آخر هتماماتك. صرت صورة موضوعة على رف ذكرياتك تحب أن تتأملها كلما شعرت بالملل
هكذا هم نحن؛ تارة أحباء وإن إجتمع العالم لن يفرقنا، و تارة غرباء و لا حتى حبة رمل قد تجمعنا

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

That Awkward Beautiful Moment…

That moment when I start  reading a very good book before I fall asleep, I say: “I’ll sleep after this chapter.”. But seriously.. I cannot control myself, I read page after page.. I lose myself between the lines..

When my eyes can no longer stay open, I decide to sleep, I check my phone to set alarm for the next day, a big fat 03:00 AM in my phone screen hit me in the face! I am in bed for three hours and I am still awake! But I do not care, I sleep with smile, thinking about what I  have just read.

In the next morning, I can hardly get out of bed, I regret sleeping late and I promise I will not do the same that night. But each night I cannot resist the sweetness of reading in the dim light…

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Early Morning

 I woke up at 5 a.m today, just to  enjoy the most quiet moment of the day! When I say quiet it does not mean the absolute silence. There are many kinds of birds are chirping, soft sound of far waves, and from time to time sound of a car or a motorcycle. It is the most beautiful moment during the day. A sweet cold air moves your messy hair, and a hot cup of coffee created the perfect moment! This is the quietness of nature, even the noisiness of  transportation is quiet!!

Just seeing no one in the street makes you think in things that you may not think about it while you are surrounded by concerns of life . It is like you have a wilder space to talk to yourself . You feel free, like one of this birds in the sky. You can go anywhere by your thinking. And you do not want to let the moment pass without writing inspirational words. And that was my blissful mug of the day!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Inspiring People

We do not meet this kind of people everyday, but we have to! Where can we meet them else if not in our daily life? Books! Yes in books, reading is a way to live another life, it said that when you open a book is like you open a whole new other world than yours. Reading makes you live with the characters, make you feel sad or happy, cold or warm, just like them, you breath the same air, eat the same food and wear the same cloths. Books make you travel in space and time. You can be in 1700s or 2080s, you can meet people whom their names are a part of the history.
I read “Mom and Me and Mom” by Maya Angelou, I felt every signal word, I wished if this book has a never ending, because I did really enjoyed. Her mother was  full of wisdom and love and passion. I think thanks to her mother, Maya Angelou is what she is now, she made her a strong wise woman. This was the start of my love to Maya Angelou…